Contrary to conventional concrete weighing approximately 2,300 kg/m3, Lightweight Concrete is a versatile building material featuring low weights of 350 to 2,000 kg/m3. In addition, lightweight concrete boasts excellent thermal and sound insulating capabilities. It is therefore also known as insulating concrete resp. AeroBeton®.
Executed as a facing concrete structure, insulating concrete will provide a pleasant indoor living environment on account of its excellent thermal and sound insulating properties and the fact that, quite similar to wooden walls, insulating concrete walls will generate a feeling of warmth and cozyness. At the same time, this modern building material permits almost unlimited freedom when it comes to architectural creativity.
Also in economic terms, insulating concrete is a fully convincing material. Short construction times, low installation costs, simple processing, execution without thermal bridges, and low maintenance work are all favourable aspects of this material.
Apart from enormous savings on construction and operation, it is the architecturally excellent creativity aspects that make this building material highly interesting for architects as well as planners. The material enables the development of creative structures, versatile surfaces, extraordinary architectural designs and unlimited colorations. We are offering various lightweight concrete types that are perfectly suitable for insulation, floor and underfloor systems, and for component weight reduction. Lightweight concretes can be structurally designed in such a way that they meet various building requirements and, in a number of cases, high strength levels.